From: | Roger Kerr |
Sent: | Friday, 3 June 2011 3:58 p.m. |
To: | Sir Douglas Myers |
Subject: | Honours |
Attachments: | Letter from the Prime Minister.pdf; Letter from the Governor-General.pdf |
Dear Douglas
See the attached letters. I have a suspicion you were in the loop. The plotters got together a pretty solid line up of supporters – Bill Gallagher, Rod Deane, Paul Callaghan, Murray Horn, Stephen Jennings, Nick Calavrias, Rodney Hide, Paul Baines, Graham Scott, Roger Partridge, Ralph Norris and – would you believe it? – Bill Birch! I’m sure the health issues helped to speed the process up!
The way I see it is that it’s a good look for the Business Roundtable, and I’ve been saying this in response to media inquiries (there have been lots):
Well of course I’m delighted and deeply honoured to be recognised in this way; but the honour really goes to those courageous business leaders who cared enough about the country to set up the Business Roundtable back in the 1980s when the country was in a crisis. And the honour also belongs to all of those business leaders who over the years have quietly but determinedly backed me as a foot soldier and the Business Roundtable as an organisation in our efforts to promote better public policies for New Zealand. So I see this honour as recognition of all that we’ve been able to achieve together — and the list of achievements is very substantial — and I’m very proud to accept it on behalf of the organisation.
I’m also very delighted for my family’s sake, especially my three wonderful sons, who did not see as much of me when they were growing up as they might have needed to, when I was so heavily committed to my work. But I think they’ve forgiven me for that, and I know they’re proud of what I’ve achieved so this honour will mean a lot to them too.
Some people might see this [as] a bitter sweet moment for me, knowing that I’m facing a major battle with an aggressive cancer. But I don’t see it like that. In a week’s time I’m heading into a new pioneering role — treatment with a brand new albeit strenuous drug, and I’ll be the first in New Zealand to receive it. So I’m feeling very positive and optimistic about that and if it doesn’t work at least I’ll know I gave it my best shot, which is what I think I can say about my life in general.
I gather not many business names are on the list – what’s new? Kerry Prendergast and John Whitehead feature.
Look forward to hearing how you got on with Owen G.
Warmest regards

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